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Público sets an example of Best Practices partnering with Google

We would like to recommend our client Público as an example of “Best Practices”. We are proud partners of the Sonaecom newspaper for their Advertising and Editorial business and also we feel delighted to hear that Google has choosen Público for their Google News Initiative.

Público has been selected with 8 other European media to participate in Google News Initiative. Together with El País (España), The Courier (Reino Unido), Independent (Irlanda), Denik (República Checa), RN + (Alemania), Le Journal du Dimanche (Francia) y Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (Austria), Público will work towards development of effective strategies to gain and retain digital readers.

Público is, according to APCT 2020 data, the second national newspaper in digital subscriptions in Portugal (only after Expresso). The newspaper has doubled last years numbers, moving for an average of 18.855 en 2019 to 31.192 in the last year.

We are really proud of this news as Público is client of our MDXP suite, including the editorial platform and the entire advertising process management.

As media technology partners with more than 40 years of international experience, we support and accompany our clients, prioritizing their growth and development towards new digital business models.

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