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O NOVO: The new publishing launched in record time with 100% score in SEO positioning

How newborn newspaper O NOVO was launched in a record time and managed to achieve a 100% Score on Google Lighhouse from Day 1 thanks to Protecmedia SEO Champion CMS ITER WCM.

Just a few days ago, O NOVO, the new digital newspaper that also has a weekly print edition, started its activity and has been launched in less than a month with the highest SEO ranking in Google Lighthouse since the first day.

O NOVO has launched its digital edition with the new website templates of our CMS ITER WCM, which have been developed with a structure optimized for SEO indexing parameters in search engines.

At Protecmedia we particularly appreciate the favorable start of the new Portuguese publication O NOVO, as the entire project has gone ahead in a context of confinement in Portugal, with its entire team working remotely and coordinating in an exemplary manner with our implementation and support teams for its entire editorial infrastructure. The dedication of both teams has been particularly committed, which is very important to achieve the objectives within the established deadlines, which in this case have been particularly tight.

We are extremely grateful for the trust that the entire LAPANEWS team has placed in Protecmedia as a partner, both from a technological point of view and in terms of strategic decisions.

If you are looking to develop your publishing business and see results from day one, contact our team of experts and we will assess your customized project.

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